Thursday, March 17, 2011

What's Your Dosha Kenny?

Winter and early spring are related to Kapha dosha. In Ayurveda the body is comprised of the five elements which form a specific body type or dosha. The dosha's are classified into three categories and manifest our physical constitution at birth. Our minds can also be reflected in the dosha's even though it is subject to change and fluctuation. Our body types may also be subjected to change when illness, or ageing takes place but our primary constitution remains intact.

This dosha evaluation is for Kenny. The physical characteristics of Kapha are that they are thick boned, medium to medium large muscular skeletal structure, oily, and soft. Kapha tends towards a slow and deliberate progression and is seldom in a hurry. They have a connection to Earth energies and have a reputation for being the very best hugger's! Typical maladies for Kapha's are fatigue, chronic upper respiratory congestion, poor circulation, grief, and attachment. When I first met Kenny I thought he had a head cold. I later learned that he was suffering from chronic nasal congestion and tinnitus.

Water is a vital element for sustaining life functions. A river has the ability to cut right through the earths core, produce powerful waterfalls, nourish and fertilize soil making regions productive of crops, and support animals and humans. Our oceans are teeming with life and fishing has been a part of humanity for thousands of years. Water also flows downwards into the depths and recesses of the earth where there is an element of mystery,  danger, and negativity. Water goes everywhere and when water is stagnant it becomes a breeding pool for bacteria. Kenny when Kapha is out of balance, which may be the case for all of us during winter/early spring, we may experience melancholy, depression, an unconscious intake of food, and we may seek out increased visual, and sensual stimulation. Up north when people are snowed in on gray days...

The purpose of therapeutic yoga is to assist us in returning our bodies and minds to the balance of our individual dosha or constitution. We correct dosha imbalance by introducing the opposing qualities into our practice, diet, and environment so that you ( and us,we all have Kapha by varying degrees) can emulate the qualities of love, calm, strength, vigor, stability, and forgiveness that are inherent when Kapha is balanced.

Yoga for Kenny...consists of active Vinyasa practice, Sun Salutations, and Pranayama to promote movement, produce sweat, and prevent stagnation which could lead to depression. Body salt scrubs with essential oils such as grapefruit or citrus to uplift spirits and decrease edema (water retention in the body) and stimulate lymph function. Breath of Fire to cleanse Kapha and right nostril breathing for increasing heat in body and assist circulation. Because the dosha quiz for your current mental condition showed aggravated Pitta  we will end the practice with abdominal diaphragmatic breathing.

It is advisable to assess your dosha quarterly and to practice with an experienced yoga teacher who can create a therapeutic yoga practice which will promote optimal health and well being. An Ayurvedic medical practitioner can evaluate specific health concerns, and create a plan for proper diet and nutrition based on your particular constitution.  Always consult with your medical doctor prior to participating in any physical activity. Have your physician provide medical clearance prior to yoga or any other exercise which may result in injury. 

