This page is dedicated to sharing how I have utilized Integrated Listening Systems in a therapeutic setting in the past and how I currently apply it now. It was the watering ground and foundation of the TMSYOGA technique I developed and adapted for adults and children experiencing various levels of stress and anxiety.

Sound Interventions and Yoga For Stress Reduction

The Brain        

Our modern fast paced external world imposes massive pressure on children, adults, and everyone in between. We are faced with competition on a global scale in relation to academic achievement, globalization of business, and social networking. The world is ruled by technology and speed with some people struggling just to keep up. This creates the need to learn at accelerated speeds leading to stress which triggers unfamiliar demands upon the body causing it to activate the sympathetic nervous system to go into flight or fight modes of operation. Science has proven that brains of all ages are capable of neural genesis (plasticity of the brain) or the production of new cells, with a decline over time as we age. 

Learning new skills, and combining physical activity with music enhanced by bone conduction can increase and stimulate the brain cells in the hippo-campus, which is the brain's storehouse of information. Research also shows that bone conduction stimulation and exercise improve cognition and reduce stress which is conducive to enhanced learning.

Dr. Alfred Tomatis a ENT physician and surgeon discovered the link between the ear and voice and developed the electronic ear. He discovered that there was a specific routing system system to the ear and brain expressed as tonotopic representation and it is both sequential and consistent from the organ of Corti to the temporal lobe of the cerebral cortex. He discovered that different frequency bandwidths correspond to parts of the cochlea and primary and secondary cerebral cortices. 

More Brain 

Sound waves travel through the air and are converted into electrical impulses in the inner ear and sent to the brain to process. Those signals send energy to our brains and influence our ability to get focused and sustain our attention. Brain scans show that children diagnosed with ADHD lack energy in parts of the brain needed for focus and attention. 

Our vestibular system controls our posture, balance, muscles, joints, feet, eyes and hand movements. It determines spatial awareness letting you know your head is up and feet are down. The parasympathetic nervous system produces calm to get us out of flight or fight mode 75% of the parasympathetic neurons pass through the vagus nerve. 

Sound stimulates the vagus nerve and with the proper selection of music zone, frequency bandwidths, and body work reduce stress and promotes relaxation. 

How It Works 

By integrating sound stimulation (music and bone conduction) with movement which involves auditory directives giving verbal cues, demonstrating the positions (visual cues) and assisting the student kinesthetic-ally for optimal alignment we direct awareness to the muscles which need to be activated or released. 

What I do...TMSYOGA

The trans-formative movement and sound yoga experience is pleasant and invigorating. It involves yoga style movement and body work while listening to beautiful classical music on headphones equipped with bone conduction and a specific listening zone to address the needs of the individual. The scientifically proven benefits of the yoga in conjunction with the music, body work and meditation produce measurable results after 15 sessions lasting 90 minutes (60 minutes listening while moving and 30 minutes body work) over three weeks time. Sessions are available at a client's home, school, or office. Call Luli Chandra, CYT 561.707.6410

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