Sunday, June 27, 2010


The ultimate source of information compiled on this blog is attributed to the One primordial Light.

This blog is intended to be a general overview of the numerous yogic teachings and disciplines as they relate to teachers/students of yogasana. The science of AyurVeda is a holistic practice involving nutrition,  therapeutic massage and oils, ritual purification processes, and yogasana (use of the yoga postures) to both achieve and maintain good health. The information I am presenting should serve as a guide for students to increase self awareness and help them select a competent teacher. Our western "one size fits all" approach to yoga at the gym may not always be the most beneficial model for the student on the physical, emotional, or spiritual levels.

I apologize in advance for any errors in omission (or otherwise) in any of the posts. I welcome and encourage dialog and correction from qualified sources. Some of the images on the blog are "royalty free" google images, if I have accidentally violated any copyright please inform me and I will remove it.

The yoga sessions, audio classes, or videos posted on this blog are intended for specific individuals. You must obtain medical clearance from your physician prior to embarking on any fitness program to ensure your safety. A certified yoga teacher is required to ensure proper form and alignment for protection from injury. The health or fitness advice published on this blog does not negate the need for the services of a qualified medical professional.


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