Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Whats Your Dosha?

When Tamar expressed some concern regarding her stressful work environment I suggested that she come in for an evaluation. By the time we both got around it she had left her job and was feeling anxious. Her quiz showed a bidoshic constitution Pitta Vata (PV) and a vata mind/body imbalance. Tamar has a tall, slender vata physique and a sharp pitta intellect. Language is a natural gift (both PV traits) for her and she speaks Russian, Italian, English, and conversational Portuguese. She has lived in various European countries and is adaptable to change.

Vata requires expansion and freedom as well as stability. Tamar's old job had become too confining for her spirit. She seldom got outside, was confined to an office most of the day, and the energy of  her staff , with the exception of a few, was mostly negative provoking her pitta nature.

I will design a session focusing on the three lower chakras for grounding, ujayii pranayama, and Kundalini yoga mantra and chant. The practice will be adaptable for outdoors to foster a connection to nature and I will encourage Tamar to live fully, laugh often, and dance for artistic expression.

Sat Nam...     

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